You are the boss… but are you a leader? Yes, you have the title, but would your
crew or team members act on your task list if you didn’t hold rank?
If you are a Team member, how do you showcase your skills as a potential leader
and stand out from the crowded field of followers?
Do you inspire the best in your Team or do they view you as a person in a
position of authority– to whom they must kowtow?
Do you build people or only focus on acquiring accomplished talent?
When Team members join your organization, they go through several stages
of personal growth in daily routine. Some cope well while others adapt to
the subculture derived from your carefully curated corporate culture. Do you
routinely interrogate the subculture in your ecosystem and proactively work
towards influencing its components for a positive outcome?
How do you distinguish problems from “Pro-Blames”?
Leadership calls for more than subject matter expertise. It is likely that those
you lead may be more skilled in particular areas than yourself or other Team
members. How do you channel those skills towards dynamic objectives without
breaking your Team’s morale by inadvertently creating specialization fiefdoms?
We are confident that by taking the PQAdvancement Leadership techniques
course you will be able to develop a framework to answer some of these
questions that linger in a dynamic leader’s psyche as you undertake your duties.
The complete leadership techniques course has six stand-alone certificates and
when all are completed you earn the full PQAdvancement Leadership Techniques certificate.
These include:
*The Modules have been developed by a Team of experienced training facilitators with a combined 80 years of experience in Leadership, Management and soft skills training facilitation.