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As leaders, listening and communication, in general, are absolutely critical to our success. In a 2013 article published in the, surveys by Debra Hamilton (Top Ten Email Blunders that Cost Companies Money) and David Grossman (The Cost of Poor Communications) on small and large businesses respectively found that the number one factor that leads to the losses in the thousands and millions of dollars is miscommunication and inadequate communication to and between employees. In addition, research reveals organizational leaders spend 70%-80% of their time engaged in communication (Wajcman & Rose, 2011).

Of this time, 10% is spent writing; 15% reading; 25% listening, and 30% speaking. Therefore, 55% of our communication (listening and speaking) is impacted by our ability to listen attentively to what we hear and to speak clearly. Understanding the importance of speaking and communication skills in our job performance is critical because no skill is more visible than the ability to communicate and the ability to communicate impacts other managerial skills.

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